Crucible Essay: John Proctor

John Proctor

            In the play The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, Salem, Massachusetts experiences a witchcraft epidemic.  The play explores a variety of characters and their abiding or not abiding to Puritan ideals and virtues.  After making a horrible mistake, John Proctor, husband to Elizabeth Proctor, devotes the rest of his life to proving his worthiness and Puritan ideals to himself, his wife, and the town of Salem.

            John Proctor is seen as an upstanding, good man with honor and integrity. In Salem, he is seen for the most part as a hard worker and a law-abiding citizen.  As the protagonist, he is seen as well-liked.  

As a man from the upper class, he still experiences challenges. He is overcome with sexual desire for Abigail when she was working in the Proctor household.  He becomes consumed with guilt after he betrayed Elizabeth through his committed sin of adultery and lechery.  His shame and regret convinces Proctor to attempt at reconciling his marriage once Abigail is kicked out of the house.  When Proctor sees Abigail for the first time since the affair, he tells her “never again” because he is so distraught from his mistake with her.  Proctor’s purpose and motivation after the affair was dedicated to proving himself as a good man to Elizabeth, himself, and Salem. The town of Salem was unaware of the affair until he admitted to his sin in court. Up to this point, the village sees Proctor as an impressive man with honor and integrity.  Another example of Proctor trying to prove himself is when he is asked to sign the petition.  He cannot bring himself to do such a thing because he would feel as if he were signing away his soul.  He has too much regret already, so this would only extend his shame.  Proctor would like to hold onto the small self-respect and dignity that he still has after his mistake.  Other than committing adultery and lechery, Proctor has flawed actions that show his drifting from Puritan ideals and virtues.  When John Hale visits the Proctor household, it is shown that he has trouble remembering the Ten Commandments. Ironically, the commandment that he forgets is the one that he committed. Knowing the Ten Commandments is a big part of being a Puritan because they practice the Bible and read Scriptures every day.  Hale also points out that Proctor has a low church attendance and that his last child had not yet been baptized. These are both examples of him drifting away from Puritan rituals.  These little things and daily Puritan deeds show respect towards the Puritan life.  John Proctor looks more like a witch than a Puritan to Hale because of his failure to follow simple Puritan actions and behavioral matters. 

Convinced that he is a bad man, Proctor still tries to prove himself as a good Puritan and person.  He attempts to reconcile with Elizabeth. When the tensions seem high between them, Proctor points out that he is trying his absolute best to resolve their issue of trust.  He really is trying to make amends.  Proctor has honest intentions and sincere desires, but his committing of sexual sin and lechery was flawed.  In the court room, Proctor is consumed with more guilt because the town of Salem is not aware of the affair.  He admits publically in court and embraces his sin, showing that Proctor is a good man.  This embracement illustrates that John Proctor is aware of his mistake and he is ready to return to God, which exhibits his bravery and honesty.  In the end, Elizabeth somewhat forgives her husband by telling him that he is a good man.  Although he proves his worthiness to his wife, he still needs to prove his worthiness to himself.  If he signed the petition, he would succumb to his own shame, guilt, and regret.  By being hung, he gains self-respect and dignity but also a return to Puritan beliefs by admitting to his own mistake.  Proctor dies a good man with honor and integrity because of the way that he owned up to his mistakes and tried to amend them. 

-Stephanie Sandra    

The Future Extinction of Northern White Rhinos

Did you know that the last male white rhino died last week? Sudan, the last remaining male northern white rhino, passed away at 45 in Kenya. There are only two remaining white rhinos in today’s world: Najin, Sudan’s daughter, and Fatu, Sudan’s grand daughter. They are kept under 24-hour guard in a conservancy in Kenya. By living in protected sanctuaries, they are as safe as they can be. 

Northern white rhinos are a subspecies of the southern white rhino. However, some argue that they should be classified as their own species. This is because the northern white rhino are pilose, smaller in size and have different dental structures. The death of Sudan has brought about the conflict that another extinction is on the verge and it is our doing. Possible extinction and endangerment for animals has become a more prominent issue in today’s world as it becomes bigger. The world is becoming too crowded and there is not enough space for things. Since 1960, the population of northern white rhinos has been decreasing when about 2000 rhinos were living on the grasslands of east and central Africa. By 2008, none could be found. This subspecies’ extinction in the wild has been caused by war, habitat loss and poaching for their horns. Researchers have discovered that very few rhinos (of any species) survive outside national parks, zoos, and reserves due to persistent poaching and habitat loss over many decades. There are two general species of rhino in Asia- Javan and Sumatran-. Both of these species are critically endangered. In 2011, a subspecies of the Javan rhino was declared extinct. There is a very small population of the Java rhino that still clings to survival in Indonesia. 

Poaching is the most significant threat to the rhino. This occurs when people illegally kill animals and sell their body parts for money. It is thought that at least 5000 rhinos of any kind were poached in South Africa in the last decade. Rhinos are poached for their horns because they can be used to make knife handles and medicine. The best way to help save endangered rhinos (and endangered species) is to protect wildlife habitat and to reduce the amount of poaching. Humans can cause extinction through over harvesting, pollution, habitat destruction, invasion, overhunting, etc.

The unsustainable population growth of humans is another essential cause of the extinction crisis. There is simply not enough room for all animals and people. Because of Sudan’s recent death, there is no solution to stopping the extinction of northern white rhinos. However, if preventible measures are taken, we can do the best we can to put a stop to future animal extinctions. 

-Stephanie Sandra

Relating a literary classic to my own life through personal characteristics

The Cheerleader and the Advice Wizard Relationship

People come into an individual’s life for a reason. Everyone has a purpose that they will serve to influence someone’s life.  In Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Santiago and Manolin start off as a teacher and a student, but gradually transition to a father and son relationship, exhibiting how they both really care for each other.  Santiago and Manolin have a “soul” connection because of their strong understanding of each other.  Santiago teaches Manolin how to fish and also teaches him valuable life lessons that he learned through his own relevant personal experiences.  Absorbing Santiago’s wisdom, Manolin takes care of Santiago as he grows older.  This “soul” relationship that Santiago and Manolin share relates to my relationship with my older sister, Caroline.  She is the sister that I never asked for, but am beyond grateful to have.  Caroline is my best friend, whom I cannot imagine my life without.  Similar to our grandmother, she has dark brown hair with dirty blonde highlights and hazelnut-colored eyes.  Standing tall with confidence, she is an overachiever with everything, which is comparable to my perfectionist qualities.  My sister and I resemble Santiago and Manolin because of our similar qualities of absorbing wisdom and taking care of each other through unconditional love.

Because of our big age difference, my relationship with my sister is very close.  Because of her courage and confidence, I look up to her as a role model, aspiring to be somewhat like her in my lifetime journey.  Whenever I am struggling, I ask Caroline for helpful advice because I know that she will know how to help me as she has probably experienced something similar in her life.  By taking her advice to heart, I become a better and more knowledgeable person.  Although we have varying academic interests, she always knows what to say to help me.  Caroline loves science and mathematics, where I prefer government and history.  Despite these different academic interests, her advice overlaps between the two fields because the same core skills are needed for success in them. I think that Caroline’s purpose in my life is to successfully guide me through life by showing me these traits and life lessons that I need to make it out in the real world.  Caroline, as well as giving good advice, has shown me that determination and ambition are key traits to thrive in the real world.  Due to my family moving around quite a bit, these traits have come in handy when having to adjust to a new environment.  Caroline has shown me how to embrace a major change like moving rather than dwell on the challenge.  Whenever my family had to move, my sister helped me see the importance of staying strong by treating any obstacle thrown at you as a gift.  By being adamant with a purpose, I can conquer anything.  Any goal that I wish to achieve can be done if I try my best to make it happen.  The ambitious drive, along with determination, help the goal be achieved.  Absorbing her advice like a sponge, I have become a stronger individual because I feel more confident in meeting my goals.

As the little sister, my duty is to look up to her and love her unconditionally.  My role is to support my sister through all her endeavors and give her the encouragement that she needs to succeed. Growing up, I attended all her major events for school or for sports.  The biggest cheerer in the basketball stands or the softball bleachers was always me. Waving my hands and clapping, I would always put a smile on her face even if her team was losing.  Regardless of growing older, I have remained a cheerleader in her life.  Having someone to cheer you on and encourage you helps boost your confidence, making it easier to succeed.  Using blue and white pompoms at a basketball game against Cincinnati Christian, I created my own halftime show in the basketball stands for my sister to see.  I waved the decorative pompoms and chanted “Go Caroline! Go Caroline! You got this! Go Caroline!” with my little brother, hoping to get a happy reaction from her.  Despite the basketball team losing by twenty-nine points, I was capable of making my sister smile because my brother and I were humiliating ourselves with our hilarious dance moves and cheer sequences.  Manolin takes care of Santiago to give him the strength that he needs to keep fishing.  I take care of Caroline by cheering for her to give her the strength that she needs to keep living and pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor.  Even though her team lost the basketball game, I still gave her the strength and energy boost that she needed to work with her team to keep battling.  I have seen Caroline at her best and worst, but no matter what, I continue cheering her on and loving her.  Manolin’s family did not support the relationship after Santiago was having an unsuccessful fishing streak, but he never stopped loving or taking care of Santiago.   Manolin was also constantly worrying about his mentor when Santiago was on his fishing trip.  Like Manolin’s unconditional love for the old man, I take care of my older sister by constantly cheering her on and loving her through anything.  

-Stephanie Sandra

Russia and the 2018 Winter Olympics

Hooray! Hooray! The 2018 Winter Olympics begin on Friday, February 9th in Pyongyang, South Korea. From figure skating to speed skating to luge to curling, everyone's eyes should be peeled to their television screens until Sunday, February 25th.   This Olympics will be unique from prior competitions because of Russia's absence and the combination of North Korea and South Korea under one flag. Although the country of Russia was banned from competing because of doping scandals in the 2016 Summer Olympics, Russian competitors will be allowed to compete under the Olympic Athlete from Russia (OAR). This was created for Russian competitors who can prove that they are clean of any performance-enhancing drug. Many winter athletes declared it as unfair to be banned from the competition after doping scandals that their counterparts had done in the 2016 Summer Olympics. Even though those competing are representing Russia, the Russian flag and the Russian anthem will not be displayed at the opening ceremony. Neutral uniforms will be worn. 

Russian Olympic Committee President Aleksandr Zhucov articulated the punishing of Russians was completely "unjust' and "immoral". The whole doping scandal raised sharp conflict between the rights of individual athletes and the fight against doping. There is evidence that Russia ran a systematic, state-sanctioned government doping program. Is it fair to punish a whole nation of athletes?  But, Russia is not the only country to have participated in oping scandals or have been discovered of using steroids. So, when is it considered fine to potentially deprive clean athletes of a chance to compete in order to punish their colleagues who cheated? This is why the OAR was created, which was to give clean and innocent athletes the opportunity to still compete in the events. 

In the end, what matters are the issues at stake. What is at stake is not just a few athletes, it is the credibility of the whole country and enterprise. Each time that another athlete gets caught for doping, it casts doubt on the honor of everyone else involved in the sport. Because Russia has not been the only country involved in doping scandals, why were they given such a drastic punishment? Sarah Konrad, a former Olympian in cross-country skiing, who also chairs the United States Olympic Committee's Athletes Advisory Council stated, " I realized it's really harsh to keep athletes out of the game, but if that's what we need to preserve the credibility of the games, then that's what needs to happen". 

What do you think? Because Russia is not the only country discovered to be cheating, do you think the punishment was fair? Do you believe that the creation or OAR was necessary or do you believe that the whole country should have suffered? Leave your thoughts in the comments! 

- Stephanie Sandra 



Make a Realistic New Years Resolution!!

If you google “New Years Resolutions”, 24 million possible new year resolutions will pop up as your search results. If you think about it, 24 million resolutions is really not that surprising. People all over the world try to take on one or a few new year resolutions to make a better life for themselves. There is that expression, “New year, new me” on multiple occasions. But, are the resolutions and the expression realistic? New Years resolutions are about making major changes in your life overnight like eating healthier, traveling more, drinking more water, exercising everyday rather than every other day, etc. Whether or not we believe in resolutions, the holiday season and new year inspires us to all reflect on our lives and figure out ways to improve. While there is nothing wrong with setting goals, there is progress that needs to be made through a process. Longtime goals cannot be set and then accomplished over night. These New Year resolutions are all about what you think you should do. On the surface, these realistic goals may sound pleasing, but rather they are based upon thoughts and expectations. The estimate is that less than 10% of New Years Resolutions are actually achieved, most likely due to the lack of commitment and little motivation. As humans, we bite off big chunks that are not realistic. We go from doing nothing to saying we will do everything. There is no change overtime. We want everything to happen immediately. The reason why the success rate for New Years resolutions is so low is because we do not have the right mindset. We have not made an internal shift to change that mindset.  Many New Year’s resolutions have to do with realistic habits or changing existing ones. Habits are automatic, “conditioned” reactions and responses. To change a habit, a new one must be created. If you do not drink enough water, don’t go from drinking two glasses everyday to eight water bottles. Take small steps to reach your ultimate goal. Try to incorporate a glass of water at every meal and start from there. If you jump right in from one to fifty, the goal will not be achieved. Have little goals rather than resolutions. Do not start them the first day of January. Real goals do not begin on January 1st. Real goals are with us everyday. Make little goals that will influence you to make a major impact. To help you reach a realistic goal, follow these steps. 


  1. Small and Realistic Goal
    1. Rather than creating a vague and large action, choose a smaller action. “Get more exercise” is not a small action. 
    2. Instead of “get more exercise”, choose “run at least two miles every week on the treadmill” 
  2. Attach New Habit to a Previous Habit
    1. Do not just start something out of the blue. Take little steps that are practical. 
    2. Find a habit in your life that is already well-established and set. For example, if you already walk your dog 4 times a week for twenty-five minutes, then adding 10 more minutes per walk with your dog connects the new habit to the existing one. The “walk my dog” habit becomes the cue for the new habit of “walk 10 more minutes”. 
  3. Easy to Do
    1. The goal must be easy to do for at least the first week. 
    2. Because you are trying to establish a more conditioned response, you need to practice the new habit a couple times before it will “stick” on its own. 


The new year does not have to bring about new goals. Build on something that you already started and adjust it. Happy New Year!! 

-Stephanie Sandra



Joseph, Shelcy. Forbes. "Read This Before You Make Your New Year's Resolutions". January 1, 2018. 


Net Neutrality: The Future of The Internet

Recently, the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal Net Neutrality, a law that was initially created to provide “freedom of the internet” during the Obama administration.  When this issue came to light, it was revealed that the internet can pose as a threat that harms the nation because people rely on it heavily. Using devices such as cellular phones, tablets, and computers, anything is accessible on the internet. When this idea was introduced, its purpose was to prohibit internet service providers such as Verizon or AT&T from taking control of individuals’ internet experience. Net Neutrality forbids internet service providers from blocking any content and creating limits to what can be stated on the internet. The development of Net Neutrality preserves people’s right to freedom of speech and right to communicate freely. Since Net Neutrality was repealed, Internet service providers are now in control of which websites and applications will succeed. These providers are now capable of of slowing down their competitor’s content and are capable of blocking political views in which they oppose: both of which are violations of the First Amendment. Since they are able to block or limit sites regarding political issues and standards, it is possible that internet viewers cannot go on websites of CNN, Fox, and more. In order for the content to be unblocked, companies would have to pay additional fees, putting smaller businesses and companies at risk, while benefitting larger companies and conglomerates like Netflix or Amazon. To discontinue Net Neutrality would allow people to be charged extra for their internet usage, affecting America’s lower class, yet again, being more advantageous to America’s upper class. This decision impacts marginalized communities in which media outlets have not succeeded to serve. Those who are making an effort to start organizations and advocate for activism will not be as productive due to these new reforms. Activists are now impacted because internet providers may attempt to block their message and content. Marginalized communities fighting for LGBTQ rights or racial justice will have their voice limited and their message be not as effective due to the fact that they do not own media outlets. This vote will prove to be harmful to almost everyone in the country because of its block on freedom and right of communication. It is also shown to be unconstitutional as amendments are violated throughout this vote. Since Net Neutrality was accomplished by the Obama administration, it was Donald Trump’s goal to repeal it since he was elected  in the 2016 presidential election. Once elected president, Trump appointed a former Verizon lawyer, Ajit Pai, to be the Federal Communications Commission’s chairman. Pai suggested the idea to discontinue Net Neutrality. Republicans do not support getting rid of Net Neutrality. Through a recent poll, it was seen that 1 in 5 Republicans supported the decision to repeal Net Neutrality. If Net Neutrality were a legislative issue, it would still exist. 

In my opinion, taking away the right to freely access the Internet violates our rights as Americans and does not represent our beliefs. Citizens are being stripped of their voice through this blockade of content and limitation of what can be viewed. I think that in a way, internet service providers are threatening to smaller voices because they have the control . Internet service providers can take away your right to view any website because they do not agree with what it has to say. The Internet serves as a huge factor in American’s success today. Our access to content is expanding knowledge as more can be learned from each source. So if certain sites are banned for opposing political views, certain rights and privileges are being deprived. If Congress is asked to be involved, Net Neutrality can be prevented from disappearing. 

-Stephanie Sandra

Kneeling in the NFL

Football has always been a popular tradition in the American culture. Every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday night, football fans gather around their television screens and watch teams go at each other and score touchdowns. People watch this game to relax, have fun, and root their favorite team. This seems to not be the case anymore, as football has become more involved in American politics.  

After former quarterback of the 49rs Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem, chaos broke loose across the nation. Regular circumstances where people take a knee at football games reflects on respect towards any player injured in this ruthless game. However, Kaepernick’s motives was to protest the oppression towards black people in the 21st century. He wanted to show how even today as a “changed” nation, black people are still treated with a different sense of respect. His intention was to raise awareness for the mistreatment of black people and stand up for recent police brutality happening throughout the area. His brave action inspired other football players to take a knee, but also encouraged a new controversial dilemma to be brought to the stage of American politics. Since President Donald Trump has spoken out about this issue through his twitter account or speeches, America has once again been divided on another issue. These #TakeAKnee protests have merged politics and football, which are two things that people would have never expected to see standing side by side.

Trump has sent out recent tweets like, “Sport fans should never condone players that do not stand proud for their National Anthem or their country. NFL should change policy”, and “ Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, ‘ get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out. He’s fired’”, showing his opinion on the particular kneeling issue. Kaeperick responded to his controversial action by simply stating, “ I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color”, illustrating that even though the United States always talks about being welcoming, unified, and diverse, instead, it holds up a façade, hiding this unfairly divided society. The United States’ first amendment clearly states that everyone is subject to their own opinion and that they have the right of freedom of speech. Kaepernick and other football players, deciding to take a knee during the National Anthem highlights their freedom of speech against police brutality and disrespect. Kneeling is a peaceful protest, rather than a violent one, meaning that those who choose to kneel should not be cruelly criticized for their harmless action. Yes, it does cause some controversy because every individual is entitled to their own opinion. However, since it is just another form of expressing feelings and freedom, kneeling should be an accepted form of honoring this country. When a player kneels, they are not disowning the values this country represents, but rather sending a message of hope and change. These people want to raise more awareness about issues harming the nation for in exchange, a better future.

-Stephanie Sandra