Net Neutrality: The Future of The Internet

Recently, the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal Net Neutrality, a law that was initially created to provide “freedom of the internet” during the Obama administration.  When this issue came to light, it was revealed that the internet can pose as a threat that harms the nation because people rely on it heavily. Using devices such as cellular phones, tablets, and computers, anything is accessible on the internet. When this idea was introduced, its purpose was to prohibit internet service providers such as Verizon or AT&T from taking control of individuals’ internet experience. Net Neutrality forbids internet service providers from blocking any content and creating limits to what can be stated on the internet. The development of Net Neutrality preserves people’s right to freedom of speech and right to communicate freely. Since Net Neutrality was repealed, Internet service providers are now in control of which websites and applications will succeed. These providers are now capable of of slowing down their competitor’s content and are capable of blocking political views in which they oppose: both of which are violations of the First Amendment. Since they are able to block or limit sites regarding political issues and standards, it is possible that internet viewers cannot go on websites of CNN, Fox, and more. In order for the content to be unblocked, companies would have to pay additional fees, putting smaller businesses and companies at risk, while benefitting larger companies and conglomerates like Netflix or Amazon. To discontinue Net Neutrality would allow people to be charged extra for their internet usage, affecting America’s lower class, yet again, being more advantageous to America’s upper class. This decision impacts marginalized communities in which media outlets have not succeeded to serve. Those who are making an effort to start organizations and advocate for activism will not be as productive due to these new reforms. Activists are now impacted because internet providers may attempt to block their message and content. Marginalized communities fighting for LGBTQ rights or racial justice will have their voice limited and their message be not as effective due to the fact that they do not own media outlets. This vote will prove to be harmful to almost everyone in the country because of its block on freedom and right of communication. It is also shown to be unconstitutional as amendments are violated throughout this vote. Since Net Neutrality was accomplished by the Obama administration, it was Donald Trump’s goal to repeal it since he was elected  in the 2016 presidential election. Once elected president, Trump appointed a former Verizon lawyer, Ajit Pai, to be the Federal Communications Commission’s chairman. Pai suggested the idea to discontinue Net Neutrality. Republicans do not support getting rid of Net Neutrality. Through a recent poll, it was seen that 1 in 5 Republicans supported the decision to repeal Net Neutrality. If Net Neutrality were a legislative issue, it would still exist. 

In my opinion, taking away the right to freely access the Internet violates our rights as Americans and does not represent our beliefs. Citizens are being stripped of their voice through this blockade of content and limitation of what can be viewed. I think that in a way, internet service providers are threatening to smaller voices because they have the control . Internet service providers can take away your right to view any website because they do not agree with what it has to say. The Internet serves as a huge factor in American’s success today. Our access to content is expanding knowledge as more can be learned from each source. So if certain sites are banned for opposing political views, certain rights and privileges are being deprived. If Congress is asked to be involved, Net Neutrality can be prevented from disappearing. 

-Stephanie Sandra