Kneeling in the NFL

Football has always been a popular tradition in the American culture. Every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday night, football fans gather around their television screens and watch teams go at each other and score touchdowns. People watch this game to relax, have fun, and root their favorite team. This seems to not be the case anymore, as football has become more involved in American politics.  

After former quarterback of the 49rs Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem, chaos broke loose across the nation. Regular circumstances where people take a knee at football games reflects on respect towards any player injured in this ruthless game. However, Kaepernick’s motives was to protest the oppression towards black people in the 21st century. He wanted to show how even today as a “changed” nation, black people are still treated with a different sense of respect. His intention was to raise awareness for the mistreatment of black people and stand up for recent police brutality happening throughout the area. His brave action inspired other football players to take a knee, but also encouraged a new controversial dilemma to be brought to the stage of American politics. Since President Donald Trump has spoken out about this issue through his twitter account or speeches, America has once again been divided on another issue. These #TakeAKnee protests have merged politics and football, which are two things that people would have never expected to see standing side by side.

Trump has sent out recent tweets like, “Sport fans should never condone players that do not stand proud for their National Anthem or their country. NFL should change policy”, and “ Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, ‘ get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out. He’s fired’”, showing his opinion on the particular kneeling issue. Kaeperick responded to his controversial action by simply stating, “ I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color”, illustrating that even though the United States always talks about being welcoming, unified, and diverse, instead, it holds up a façade, hiding this unfairly divided society. The United States’ first amendment clearly states that everyone is subject to their own opinion and that they have the right of freedom of speech. Kaepernick and other football players, deciding to take a knee during the National Anthem highlights their freedom of speech against police brutality and disrespect. Kneeling is a peaceful protest, rather than a violent one, meaning that those who choose to kneel should not be cruelly criticized for their harmless action. Yes, it does cause some controversy because every individual is entitled to their own opinion. However, since it is just another form of expressing feelings and freedom, kneeling should be an accepted form of honoring this country. When a player kneels, they are not disowning the values this country represents, but rather sending a message of hope and change. These people want to raise more awareness about issues harming the nation for in exchange, a better future.

-Stephanie Sandra