Relating a literary classic to my own life through personal characteristics

The Cheerleader and the Advice Wizard Relationship

People come into an individual’s life for a reason. Everyone has a purpose that they will serve to influence someone’s life.  In Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Santiago and Manolin start off as a teacher and a student, but gradually transition to a father and son relationship, exhibiting how they both really care for each other.  Santiago and Manolin have a “soul” connection because of their strong understanding of each other.  Santiago teaches Manolin how to fish and also teaches him valuable life lessons that he learned through his own relevant personal experiences.  Absorbing Santiago’s wisdom, Manolin takes care of Santiago as he grows older.  This “soul” relationship that Santiago and Manolin share relates to my relationship with my older sister, Caroline.  She is the sister that I never asked for, but am beyond grateful to have.  Caroline is my best friend, whom I cannot imagine my life without.  Similar to our grandmother, she has dark brown hair with dirty blonde highlights and hazelnut-colored eyes.  Standing tall with confidence, she is an overachiever with everything, which is comparable to my perfectionist qualities.  My sister and I resemble Santiago and Manolin because of our similar qualities of absorbing wisdom and taking care of each other through unconditional love.

Because of our big age difference, my relationship with my sister is very close.  Because of her courage and confidence, I look up to her as a role model, aspiring to be somewhat like her in my lifetime journey.  Whenever I am struggling, I ask Caroline for helpful advice because I know that she will know how to help me as she has probably experienced something similar in her life.  By taking her advice to heart, I become a better and more knowledgeable person.  Although we have varying academic interests, she always knows what to say to help me.  Caroline loves science and mathematics, where I prefer government and history.  Despite these different academic interests, her advice overlaps between the two fields because the same core skills are needed for success in them. I think that Caroline’s purpose in my life is to successfully guide me through life by showing me these traits and life lessons that I need to make it out in the real world.  Caroline, as well as giving good advice, has shown me that determination and ambition are key traits to thrive in the real world.  Due to my family moving around quite a bit, these traits have come in handy when having to adjust to a new environment.  Caroline has shown me how to embrace a major change like moving rather than dwell on the challenge.  Whenever my family had to move, my sister helped me see the importance of staying strong by treating any obstacle thrown at you as a gift.  By being adamant with a purpose, I can conquer anything.  Any goal that I wish to achieve can be done if I try my best to make it happen.  The ambitious drive, along with determination, help the goal be achieved.  Absorbing her advice like a sponge, I have become a stronger individual because I feel more confident in meeting my goals.

As the little sister, my duty is to look up to her and love her unconditionally.  My role is to support my sister through all her endeavors and give her the encouragement that she needs to succeed. Growing up, I attended all her major events for school or for sports.  The biggest cheerer in the basketball stands or the softball bleachers was always me. Waving my hands and clapping, I would always put a smile on her face even if her team was losing.  Regardless of growing older, I have remained a cheerleader in her life.  Having someone to cheer you on and encourage you helps boost your confidence, making it easier to succeed.  Using blue and white pompoms at a basketball game against Cincinnati Christian, I created my own halftime show in the basketball stands for my sister to see.  I waved the decorative pompoms and chanted “Go Caroline! Go Caroline! You got this! Go Caroline!” with my little brother, hoping to get a happy reaction from her.  Despite the basketball team losing by twenty-nine points, I was capable of making my sister smile because my brother and I were humiliating ourselves with our hilarious dance moves and cheer sequences.  Manolin takes care of Santiago to give him the strength that he needs to keep fishing.  I take care of Caroline by cheering for her to give her the strength that she needs to keep living and pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor.  Even though her team lost the basketball game, I still gave her the strength and energy boost that she needed to work with her team to keep battling.  I have seen Caroline at her best and worst, but no matter what, I continue cheering her on and loving her.  Manolin’s family did not support the relationship after Santiago was having an unsuccessful fishing streak, but he never stopped loving or taking care of Santiago.   Manolin was also constantly worrying about his mentor when Santiago was on his fishing trip.  Like Manolin’s unconditional love for the old man, I take care of my older sister by constantly cheering her on and loving her through anything.  

-Stephanie Sandra