Attempting a One Syllable Story: AP Literature and Composition I

            I watched her as she drove out of the street in her blue car.  Clear tears streamed down her light, pale face. The dark blue of her car matched the way she felt.  She was hurt.  She was let down.  Kate had reached a low point in her life.  Who knew words could rip your soul out in the way she felt hers had been?  I did that. I hurt her. I told her she could make it in the book world and I took that from her. I may have killed her heart, soul, and mind. Her bright mind! Her big heart! They were one of a kind…or so I thought.  She put her own life into her tales. This was her dream. When she wrote, words would rush the page. Her words told a truth that was too hard to tell.  Now her one dream she worked towards for the past six years was just gone.  I thought she could do it. I thought she could thrive. What she did not think was for the book to turn on her. I thought her words would be the start of her path. Like her, I did not think to see those words would wind up as the end. I did this to her. I hurt her. I told her she could do it. Now, I can’t take it back. It’s done.

-Stephanie Sandra